Jeremy Feaster (Charlotte, NC )
Georgia Institute of Technology
Current Position: Stanford University
Research Interests:
Artificial photosynthesis, water desalination/purification, solar-based energy applications
Interests outside of school/research:
I am really into sports (both playing and watching, and I also mentor other students and teach chemistry on campus. I’m heavily involved in founding and managing many organizations and initiatives around campus, but when I can, I really enjoy relaxing with friends and talking about whatever crosses our minds.
How did you hear about the program? Why did you apply?
My mentor (the chair of the undergraduate program at GT) forwarded me an email that he received from the program, and I decided to apply. MIT is an institute where the breadth and quality of the research there is amazing. So, I submitted my application and the rest is history.I felt that the ACCESS program would give me a good feel of what to expect from graduate school.
Interesting things you did at ACCESS and people you’ve met
Getting to see the city of Boston was incredible. As this was my first time in Boston, all of the history was great to see. Exploring the night life was also pretty interesting (with all the college students in Boston, there was plenty to do). Exploring the night life around MIT Friday night with several others was extremely fun (we got to see the other side of MIT).
Favorite part of the weekend and why?
Getting to see the behind-the-scenes of the selection process for graduate programs was my favorite part of the weekend, mainly because it was extremely useful. I learned much about what application graders actually look for, and I think it has definitely helped me shape what I expect from graduate school. also, getting to talk to the former chairs of the selection committee for MIT was extremely useful, and I really enjoyed getting to meet people from all over the country and bonding with them.
Do you think you benefitted from the program – did it help you in any way? Why or why not?
I think that the question is not did it help me, but how it shaped me. From the various panels discussing the different aspects of graduate school to the tours of the labs and meeting some of the professors leading their industries worldwide, my experience at ACCESS transformed me from a student that was sort of interested in graduate school to an individual ready to tackle world problems through a doctorate degree. In the end, I think the program put me in the right mindset to apply for graduate programs and understand what each program was really looking for.
Prior to attending ACCESS, did you have plans to apply for graduate school? How did ACCESS impact your decision?
I did have plans, but it was more of a “likely option” than a definite decision. After ACCESS (as mentioned above), I was completely sold on graduate school.
Where are you going to graduate school?
Stanford University
What are you getting your masters or Ph.D. in?
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
What area of research are you working on
I am working on electrochemical reduction of CO2 to fuels and chemicals
What are the three things you like most about graduate school
I really enjoy the flexibility and freedom that graduate school offers. Working on meaningful research that has a potential to change the world is incredible. And of course, meeting many other people from all over the world is amazing!
Anything else you want to share
I’m just excited to have had the opportunity to visit MIT and meet so many amazing, talented people!
Where do you see yourself in five years? 10 Years?
In five years, I plan (hope!) to have my Ph.D. I also plan on starting a business centered around my research with applications for developing countries. In ten years, I would expect to have a family and be a successful entrepreneur, using my example to inspire others to catch (not chase) their dreams and explore all the possibilities available to them.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I think that insight from the ACCESS program also helped me to get both the GEM Fellowship and the NSF Fellowship. This experience was rewarding in many areas, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.
As a side note, I applied to MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Caltech. I got into Stanford and Caltech, and ultimately chose Stanford. I received the GEM Fellowship and the NSF Fellowship.