Research Interests:
Thermodynamic modeling of surfactant/polyelectrolyte binding, sol-gel transitions in biopolymer mixtures, and mechanistic design of polyelectrolyte-based nanoparticles for drug delivery
Interests outside of school/research:
I enjoy working out and being a member of the National Society of Black Engineers(NSBE). With my involvement in NSBE, I have the opportunity to make a difference in and outside the engineering community by hosting various events and tutoring students of all ages.
What were some interesting/fun things you did at ACCESS and/or people you met?
The most interesting part of the ACCESS program was the team-building exercise because it gave us an opportunity to get to know the other students in the program a little better.
Favorite part of the weekend and why?
My favorite part of the weekend was learning about all the interesting accomplishments done by the MIT chemical engineering department.
Do you think you benefitted from the program – did it help you in any way?
Why or why not?
I benefitted from this program because now I plan to attend graduate school and obtain my Ph.D. I plan to apply to graduate school in Fall 2011.
Are you planning on applying to graduate school now? If so, where?
I have considered applying to Wisconsin, Penn State, Ohio State, and Case Western Reserve.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
In five years, I see myself in a graduate school program and being close to graduating with my Ph.D. In ten years I see myself working for a company or a lab that studies/makes products for the polymer industry.

Chemical Engineering
The University of Toledo